An Architect’s Journey in to Design Thinking


After a bit over a year, it’s time to get the band together again, and start doing some blogging. What have I been doing in the interim? Stuff… and I’ll probably go through some of that later, but my main journey recently (for most of this year) has been around Design Thinking.

Yeah, I know, everyone was raving about Design Thinking years ago, but as an Architect I thought “Oh, I get that, it’s thinking like a designer…” I did that when I did Architectural Design roles, but I didn’t really get it. Now I do though and the best place to start is with the UK Design Council “Double Diamond”


The first diamond is The Problem and we’ll get back to that, but the second diamond is The Solution. Unfortunately, in Architecture and much of IT we’ve made a nice cozy home in the second diamond of The Solution which is probably why things are in such a deluded and confused state in IT – we’re coming up with Solutions when WE DON’T EVEN KNOW THE PROBLEM!

Feel free to post comments down below and I’ll respond and maybe even change what I’m writing based on any feedback.


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